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Production (role)CompanyProject details
Production (role): ONLY CHILDCompany: BBC1Project details: Dir. Al Campbell & Holly Walsh
Production (role): FEARCompany: Amazon Prime VideoProject details: Dir. Justin Chadwick
Production (role): THE CHIEFCompany: BBCProject details:
Production (role): STEVENS & MCCARTHYCompany: BBCProject details: Dir. Iain Davidson
Production (role): GRACE (Mo)Company: ITVProject details: DIR. Brian Kelly
Production (role): THE CAPTURE (Erin Foster)Company: BBC / NBCUProject details: DIR. James Kent
Production (role): KAREN PIRIE (Kirstie)Company: WORLD PRODUCTIONSProject details: DIR. Various
Production (role): CRIME (Karen)Company: BRITBOXProject details: DIR. James Strong
Production (role): HOLLYOAKS (Courtney Campbell)Company: LIME PICTURESProject details: DIR. Various
Production (role)CompanyProject details
Production (role): HENRY I (Adela, Countess of Blois)Company: RABBLE THEATREProject details: Dir. Hal Chambers
Production (role): MOTHER GOOSE (Jill)Company: MACROBERTS ART CENTREProject details: Dir. Julie Ellen
Production (role): THE TIME MACHINE (Three)Company: JORDAN AND SKINNERProject details: Dir. Caitlin Skinner
Production (role): ORPHANS (Sheila)Company: NATIONAL THEATRE OF SCOTLANDProject details: DIR. Cora Bissett
Production (role): OLIVER TWIST (Mrs. Thingummy/Swifty)Company: LEEDS PLAYHOUSEProject details: DIR. Amy Leach
Production (role): BLOOD WEDDING (Bride)Company: DERBY THEATREProject details: DIR. Jenny Sealey
Production (role): SKELETON WUMMAN (Skeleton Wumman)Company: PLAY, PIE AND A PINTProject details: DIR. Gerda Stevenson
Production (role): WENDY HOOSE (Laura)Company: BIRDS OF PARADISE/RANDOM ACCOMPLICEProject details: DIR. Johnny McKnight, Robert Softly Gale
Production (role)Project details
Production (role): NIGHT OF THE LIVING FLATPACKS (Stella)Project details: DIR. Polly Thomas