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Amy Manson can now be seen on the Eleventh Hours Films project, REBUS. She can also be seen in THE DIPLOMAT (Netflix) and CHEMISTRY OF DEATH (Cuba Pictures & Paramount +). Other recent work includes BODIES (Netflix), as ‘Maladie’ in HBO series THE NEVERS, and feature films SPENCER with Kristin Stewart, Brian Walsh’s feature BEATS and Scott Graham’s RUN. TV credits include: THE WHITE PRINCESS for Starz, ‘Medea’ in ATLANTIS (BBC), DESPERATE ROMANTICS, BEING HUMAN and OUTCASTS. Amy is also known for her stage work, and is twice winner of the Critics’ Award for Theatre in Scotland for Best Female Performer.
Production (role)CompanyProject details
Production (role): SPENCER (Anne Boleyn)Company: Shoebox Films, Fabula Films, Komplizen FilmProject details: Dir. Pablo Larraín
Production (role): RUN (Katie)Company: BFI, Creative Scotland & BBC FilmsProject details: Dir. Scott Graham
Production (role): BEATS (Cat)Company: Rosetta Productions/AltitudeProject details: Dir. Brian Welsh
Production (role): EDIE (Fiona)Company:Project details: Dir. Simon Hunter
Production (role): NOT ANOTHER HAPPY ENDINGCompany:Project details: Dir. John McKay
Production (role): HARRIGAN’S NICKCompany:Project details: Dir. Vince Woods
Production (role): JANUARYCompany:Project details: Dir. Adam Levins
Production (role): BLOOD MONKEYSCompany:Project details: Dir. Robert Young
Production (role): PUMPKINHEADCompany:Project details: Dir. Mike Hurst
Production (role)CompanyProject details
Production (role): REBUS (Rhona)Company: Eleventh Hour/ViaPlayProject details: Dir. Niall MacCormick
Production (role): BODIES (Charlotte Hillinghead)Company: NetflixProject details: Dir. Marco Kreuzpaintner
Production (role): THE DIPLOMAT (Giselle)Company: NetflixProject details: Dir. Debora Cahn
Production (role): CHEMISTRY OF DEATH (Ellen)Company: Cuba Pictures / Paramount +Project details: Dir. Richard Clark
Production (role): THE NEVERS (Maladie)Company: HBOProject details: Showrunner. Philippa Goslett
Production (role): LADYBABYCompany: BBC3Project details: Dir. Louis Paxton
Production (role): LEGACIES (Christine)Company: CWProject details: Dir. Michael Karasick
Production (role): THE WHITE PRINCESS (Cathy Gordon)Company: Company Pictures for StarzProject details: Dir. Jamie Payne
Production (role): ONCE UPON A TIME (Merida)Company: ABC Studios for ABCProject details: Dir. Various
Production (role): ATLANTIS (Medea)Company: Urban Myth Films/BBC America for BBC & BBC AmericaProject details: Dirs. Declan O'Dwyer and Justin Molotnikov (Season II)
Production (role): FIELD OF BLOODCompany:Project details: Dir. David Kane (Season 2)
Production (role): RAW (Zoe)Company:Project details: Dirs. Liz Gill and Simon Massey
Production (role): MISFITSCompany:Project details: Dir. Jonathan van Tullen
Production (role): YOUNG JAMES HERRIOT (Whirly Tyson)Company: BBCProject details: Dir. Colin Teague
Production (role): OUTCASTSCompany:Project details: Dir. Bharat Nalluri
Production (role): MARPLECompany:Project details: Dir. Andy Hay
Production (role): BEING HUMANCompany:Project details: Dir. Colin Teague
Production (role): DESPERATE ROMANTICSCompany:Project details: Dirs. Paul Gay & Diarmuid Lawrence
Production (role): CASUALTYCompany:Project details: Dir. Various
Production (role): DOCTORSCompany:Project details: Dir. Rob Rohrer
Production (role): TORCHWOODCompany:Project details: Dir. Jonathan Fox-Bassett (Season II)
Production (role): NEARLY FAMOUSCompany:Project details: Dir. John Hardwick
Production (role): MY FAMILYCompany:Project details: Dir. Dewi Humphries
Production (role): THE BILLCompany:Project details: Dir. Robbie Del Maestro
Production (role)CompanyProject details
Production (role): THE CAUCASIAN CHALK CIRCLECompany: Royal Lyceum EdinburghProject details: Dir. Mark Thomson
Production (role): SIX CHARACTERS IN SEARCH OF AN AUTHORCompany: National Th. ScotlandProject details: Dir. Mark Thompson
Winner Best Female Perfomer – Critics Award for Theatre in Scotland -
Production (role): THE UNSCRUPULOUS MURDERER (Reading)Company: RNTProject details: Dir. Paul Miller
DateProduction (role)Project details
Date:Production (role): Critics' Award for Theatre in ScotlandProject details: Winner Best Female Perfomer – THE CAUCASIAN CHALK CIRCLE, 2014
Date:Production (role): Critics' Award for Theatre in ScotlandProject details: Winner Best Female Perfomer – SIX CHARACTERS IN SEARCH OF AN AUTHOR, 2007
Date: 2003-06Production (role): Diana Wade Bursary (Central School of Speech and Drama)Project details: Winner