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Production (role)CompanyProject details
Production (role): SISTER BONIFACE MYSTERIESCompany: BBCProject details: Dir. Various
Production (role): SHAKESPEARE & HATHAWAY: PRIVATE INVESTIGATORCompany: BBCProject details: Dir. Matt Carter
Production (role): DOCTORSCompany: BBCProject details: Dirs. Niall Fraser & Dominic Keavey
Production (role): THE WINDSORSCompany: Channel 4Project details: Dir. Adam Miller
Production (role): MAIGRETCompany: ITVProject details: Dir. Ashley Pearce
Production (role): FATHER BROWNCompany: BBCProject details: Dir. David Beauchamp
Production (role): THE SYNDICATECompany: BBCProject details: Dir. Dominic Leclerc (Series III)
Production (role): FOYLE'S WARCompany: ITVProject details: Dir. David Richards
Production (role): HARLEY STREETCompany: ITVProject details: Dir. Colin Teague
Production (role): INSPECTOR LEWISCompany: ITVProject details: Dir. Richard Spence
Production (role): DOUBLE TIMECompany: Tiger AspectProject details: Dir. Audrey Cooke
Production (role): HOLBY CITYCompany: BBCProject details: Dir. Various
Production (role): WHISTLEBLOWERSCompany: CarnivalProject details: Dir. Richard Clark
Production (role): SILENT WITNESSCompany: BBCProject details: Dir. Maurice Phillips
Production (role): NEW TRICKSCompany: BBCProject details: Dir. Minkie Spiro
Production (role): HEARTBEATCompany: ITVProject details: Dir. Judith Dine
Production (role): THE FAMILY MANCompany: BBCProject details: Dir. John Strickland
Production (role): TEACHERSCompany: Tiger Aspect / Channel 4 (4 Series)Project details: Dir. Susanna White
Production (role): THURSDAY THE 12THCompany: BravoProject details: Charles Beeson
Production (role): INNOCENTSCompany: BBCProject details: Dir. Peter Kosminsky
Production (role): ALWAYS AND EVERYONECompany: ITVProject details: Dir. James Hawes
Production (role): SUNBURNCompany: BBCProject details: Dir. Various
Production (role): THE CANTERBURY TALESCompany: HBOProject details: Dir. Various
Production (role): LOVED BY YOUCompany: Carlton (Series 1 & 2)Project details: Dir. Richard Boden
Production (role): PEAK PRACTICECompany: CarltonProject details: Dir. Various
Production (role): A DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF TIMECompany: Channel 4Project details: Dir. Alvin Rakoff
Production (role): KAVANAGH QCCompany: CarltonProject details: Dir. Tristram Powell
Production (role): KISS AND TELLCompany: LWTProject details: Dir. David Richards
Production (role): A TOUCH OF FROSTCompany: YTVProject details: Dir. Don Leaver
Production (role): THE CHIEFCompany: Anglia TV (Series 5)Project details: Dirs. Tom Cotter & Ric Stroud
Production (role): CHILLERCompany: YTVProject details: Dir. Rob Walker
Production (role): PIE IN THE SKYCompany: SelecTVProject details: Dir. Colin Gregg
Production (role): GHOSTWATCHCompany: BBCProject details: Dir. Lesley Manning
Production (role): THE RETURN OF SHELLEYCompany: ITVProject details: Dir. Anthony Parker
Production (role): NO JOB FOR A LADYCompany: Thames TelevisionProject details: Dir. John Howard Davies
Production (role): SCREAMINGCompany: BBCProject details: Dir. Mike Stevens
Production (role): LOST EMPIRES (Cissie Mapes)Company: Granada TVProject details: Dir. Alan Grint
Production (role): NO JOB FOR A LADYCompany: Thames TVProject details: Dir. John Howard-Davies
Production (role): ACT OF WILLCompany: PortmanProject details: Dir. Don Shape
Production (role): COPPERS (Sharon)Company: BBC TVProject details: Dir. Ted Clisby
Production (role): LOST EMPIRESCompany: GranadaProject details: Dir. Alan Grint
Production (role): SHARON AND ELSIECompany: BBC TVProject details: Dir. Roger Race & Mike Stephens
Production (role): NEVER THE TWAINCompany: FremantleProject details: Dir. Robert Reed
Production (role)CompanyProject details
Production (role): THE HISTORY BOYSCompany: Theatre Royal BathProject details: Dir. Seán Linnen
Production (role): THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNESTCompany: Colchester Mercury TheatreProject details: Dir. Ryan McBryde
Production (role): CANDIDECompany: Welsh National OperaProject details: Dir. James Bonas
Production (role): THE CHILDRENCompany: Theatre Royal Bury St. EdmundsProject details: Dir. Owen-Calvert Lyons
Production (role): OCTOPUS SOUPCompany: Belgrade TheatreProject details: Dir. Joe Harmston
Production (role): CYMBELINE (Cymbeline)Company: RSCProject details: Dir. Melly Still
Production (role): INTO THE WOODSCompany: Manchester Royal ExchangeProject details: Dir. Matthew Xia
Production (role): HAMLETCompany: Manchester Royal ExchangeProject details: Dir. Sarah Frankcom
Production (role): LAST DAYS OF TROYCompany: Shakespeare's The GlobeProject details: Dir. Nick Bagnall
Production (role): SWEENEY TODDCompany: Royal ExchangeProject details: Dir. James Brining
Production (role): BILLY ELLIOTCompany: Victoria Palace TheatreProject details: Dir. Stephen Daldry
Production (role): ROAD SHOWCompany: Menier Chocolate FactoryProject details: Dir. John Doyle
Production (role): RELATIVELY SPEAKINGCompany: Traverse TheatreProject details: Dir. Orla O'Loughlin
Production (role): WITH A SONG IN MY HEARTCompany: Salisbury PlayhouseProject details: Dir. Simon Green
Production (role): BILLY LIARCompany: West Yorkshire PlayhouseProject details: Dir. Nick Bagnall
Production (role): GRAND HOTELCompany: Donmar WarehouseProject details: Dir. Michael Grandage
Production (role): MASTERPIECESCompany:Project details: Dirs. Christopher Luscombe & Malcolm McKee
Production (role): HAWKS AND DOVES (Marie)Company: Nuffield, SouthamptonProject details: Dir. Patrick Sandford
Production (role): IN THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Roxy)Company: The Young VicProject details: Dirs. Chris White & Karen Stephens
Production (role): BOYS FROM SYRACUSE (Luciana)Company: Open Air Theatre, Regents ParkProject details: Dir. Dame Judi Dench
Production (role): AS YOU LIKE IT (Celia)Company: RSCProject details: Dir. John Caird
Production (role): THE WIZARD OF OZ (Dorothy)Company: RSCProject details: Dir. Ian Judge
Production (role): THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL (Lady Teazle)Company: CTCProject details: Dir. Bill Pryde
Production (role): FOLLIES (Young Phyllis)Company: ShaftesburyProject details: Dir. Mike Ockrent
Production (role): BLOOD BROTHERS (Mrs Johnstone)Company: YorkProject details: Dir. Andrew McKinnon
Production (role): HAMLET (Ophelia)Company: ThorndikeProject details: Dir. Graham Berown
Production (role): A DOLL'S HOUSE (Mrs Linde)Company: Bristol Old VicProject details: Dir. Richard Cottrell
Production (role): WAY UPSTREAM (Emma)Company: Triumph ApolloProject details: Dir. Chris Masters
Production (role): ME MYSELF & I (Myself)Company: Richmond Orange TreeProject details: Dir. Kim Grant
Production (role): NOEL & GERTIE (Gertie)Company: King's HeadProject details: Dir. Alan Strachan
Production (role): SEASON'S GREETINGS (Belinda)Company: ScarboroughProject details: Dir. Alan Ayckbourn
Production (role)CompanyProject details
Production (role): LONDON ROADCompany: BBC FILMSProject details: Dir. Rufus Norris
Production (role)CompanyProject details
Production (role): MASTERCLASSCompany: Wild Coast FilmsProject details: Dir. Nancy Sullivan
Production (role): BALLSCompany: Fury FilmsProject details: Dir. Lily Cole
Production (role): SERGEANT SLAUGHTER, MY BIG BROTHERCompany: HenPeg ProductionsProject details: Dir. Greg Williams
Production (role): EXCUSE ME BUT THAT'S MY CARCompany: CarlineProject details: Dir. Jeff Grant