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Production (role)CompanyProject details
Production (role): THE VICTORIA PROJECTCompany: Exit Through The CatflapProject details: Dir. Tom Harper
Production (role)CompanyProject details
Production (role): BLACK MIRRORCompany: NetflixProject details: Dir. Toby Haynes
Production (role): DOMINO DAYCompany: Dancing Ledge/BBCProject details: Dir. Eva Sigurdardottir
Production (role): HIT AND RUNCompany: NetflixProject details: Dir. Mike Barker
Production (role): ADULT MATERIALCompany: Channel 4/Fifty FathomsProject details: Dir. Dawn Shadforth
Production (role): HEART TO HEARTCompany: SkyProject details: Dir. Lilah Vandenburgh
Production (role): TEMPLECompany: SkyProject details: Dir. Luke Snellin
Production (role): VANITY FAIRCompany: Mammoth/AmazonProject details: Dir. James Strong
Production (role)CompanyProject details
Production (role): A DOLL'S HOUSECompany: Sheffield CrucibleProject details: Dir. Elin Schofield
Production (role): THAT'S NOT WHO I AMCompany: The Royal CourtProject details: Dir. Lucy Morrison
Production (role): FORCE MAJEURECompany: Donmar WarehouseProject details: Dir. Michael Longhurst
Production (role): CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOFCompany: The Curve/ETTProject details: Dir. Anthony Almeida
Production (role): TEENAGE DICKCompany: DONMAR WAREHOUSEProject details: Dir. Michael Longhurst
Production (role): DESCRIBE THE NIGHTCompany: Hampstead TheatreProject details: Dir. Lisa Spirling
Production (role): A CHRISTMAS CAROLCompany: The Old VicProject details: Dir. Matthew Warchus
Production (role): ON THE TOWNCompany: Regent's Park Open Air TheatreProject details: Dir. Drew McOnie