Film, TV & Commercials
Rachael Taylor & Cara McKenzie
Co-repped by Artistry
Production (role)CompanyProject details
Production (role): ONE OF US IS LYING S1
Company: 5 More Minutes Productions / PeacockProject details: Dirs: Ben Semanoff, John Scott, Sophia Takal & Jennifer Morrison
Prod: Brian Leslie Parker -
Production (role): KARMALINK
(Production & Costume Designer)Company: Valerie Steinberg ProductionsProject details: Dir: Jake Wachtel
Prods: Valerie Steinberg & Jake Wachtel -
Production (role): BLAST BEATCompany: AG Studios / Macro VenturesProject details: Dir: Esteban Arango
Prods: Erick Castrillon, Poppy Hanks, Charles D. King & Ty Walker -
Production (role): STRANGERS
Company: Beachside Films / MetaProject details: Dirs: Mia Lidofsky, Celia Rowlson-Hall, Darnell Martin & Jesse Peretz
Prods: David Bausch & Ryan Cunningham -
Production (role): THE MAGIC DINER PT. 2
(Short Film)Company: IconoclastProject details: Dir: Niclas Larsson
Exec Prod: Jean Mougin -
Production (role): SEARCH PARTY S1 & S2Company: Jax Media / HBOProject details: Dirs: Sarah-Violet Bliss, Charles Rogers, Ryan McFaul, Michael Showalter & Lilly Burns
Production (role): WOMEN WHO KILLCompany: Slope Media / The Film CollaborativeProject details: Dir: Ingrid Jungermann
Prods: Ingrid Jungermann & Alex Scharfman -
Production (role): THE BODEGA S2
Company: New Wave EntertainmentProject details: Dirs: Todd Pellegrino & Edward Butler
Exec Prod: Todd Pellegrino -
Production (role): WISHIN' AND HOPIN'Company: Synthetic Cinema InternationalProject details: Dir: Colin Theys
Prods: Andrew Gernhard, Shane O'Brien & Zach O'Brien
Production (role)CompanyProject details
Production (role): CORALCompany: IconoclastProject details: Dir: Glenn Kitson
Production (role): LULULEMONCompany: SomesuchProject details: Dir: Mollie Mills
Production (role): META x RAY-BANCompany: 1st Ave MachineProject details: Dir: Roman Rutten
Production (role): DELTACompany: AnonymousProject details: Dir: Pantera
Production (role): NY PRESBYTARIANCompany: SmugglerProject details: Dir: Similar But Different
Production (role): METACompany: Dress CodeProject details: Dir: Erik Kockum
Production (role): DIOR POISONCompany: IconoclastProject details: Dir: Pensacola
Production (role): TALENTICompany: Great GunsProject details:
Production (role): VITAL FARMSCompany: Hornet MediaProject details: Dir: Sander Plug
Production (role): MSNBCCompany: IconoclastProject details: Dir: Anton Tammi
Production (role): JD SPORTSCompany: Thousands CreativeProject details: Dir: Michael McGrath
Production (role): COMCASTCompany: LandiaProject details: Dir: Maureen Huffnagel
Production (role): ESPNCompany: Porch HouseProject details: Dir: Jeremy Pettit
Production (role): HARRY'SCompany: SupermarchéProject details: Dirs: Ariel Schulman & Henry Joost
Production (role): JORDYN WOODSCompany: VogueProject details: Dir: Alvoro Colom
Production (role): RODINCompany: NownessProject details: Dir: Albert Moya
Production (role): NEW BALANCECompany: All: ExpandedProject details: Dir: Duncan Winecoff
Production (role)Project details
Production (role): YOUNG THUG FT. J COLE
"The London"Project details: Dir. Travis Scott -
Production (role): FRENCH MONTANA & DRAKE
"No Stylist"Project details: Dir: Kid. Studio -
Production (role): A$AP ROCKY
"Wassup"Project details: Dir: Andy Capper -
Production (role): KOOL AD & KASS
"Pleasance"Project details: Dir: Jovan Todorovic
DateProduction (role)Project details
Date: 2009-2010Production (role): ALEXANDER MCQUEENProject details: Associate Designer
Date: 2011Production (role): MARC JACOBSProject details: Print Designer